
Paolo Spadaro Munitto


Tatyana Juraszek

Artist Manager

+43 664 3920642

About Paolo Spadaro Munitto


Paolo Spadaro Munitto is a renowned conductor, harpsichordist, and pianist. Since the 2021-22 season, he has served as the Principal Conductor of the Jerusalem Lyric Opera Festival, and since 2002, he has been the first level Maestro di Sala (musical assistant) at Teatro alla Scala.

His musical training is extensive and diverse. He studied piano with Emilio Bonino, composition with Paolo Arcà and Gianni Possio, orchestral conducting with Donato Renzetti and Gustav Kuhn, jazz music with Franco D’Andrea, and vocal chamber music as a pianist and harpsichordist with Daniela Uccello and Maria Cecilia Farina.

He developed his artistic career at Teatro alla Scala, working alongside some of the world’s greatest Conductors, including Riccardo Chailly, Daniel Barenboim, Riccardo Muti, Lorin Maazel, Myung Wung Chung, Daniele Gatti, Daniel Oren, Gustavo Dudamel, and Georges Pretre. His versatility allows him to excel in both the operatic and symphonic repertoires.

His international conducting career has led him to perform in prestigious theaters, festivals, and with renowned orchestras such as Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Fondazione Arena di Verona, Dresdner Philharmonie, Orchestra of the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, Cameristi della Scala, Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, Tiroler Festspiele Erl in Austria, Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, Alden Biesen Zomeropera in Belgium, Orchestra of the Accademia della Scala, Orchestra Milano Classica, Opera Giocosa in Savona, Beer-Sheva Sinfonietta, and the Strumentisti della Scala. His performances have been broadcast live on national television in Austria (ORF) and Croatia (HRT).

Past Events

28 Jun 2024

“Cine y tango“ | Zagreb Classic Festival, Croatia

19 Feb 2024

“Più barocco che mai” | Teatro alla Scala, Italy

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